Jan 4, 2024

Privacy & Policy

By Mika Thai

Welcome to Mika Life! We are a local service platform dedicated to providing you with a high-quality living experience. Protecting your privacy is our top priority. This privacy policy will explain in detail how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. Before using our services, please be sure to read and agree to this privacy policy.

Types of Information Collected

To provide better services, we may collect the following types of information

Account Information: When you register as our user, we may collect your basic information, such as your username and phone number.

SMS permissions: In order to provide a more convenient login experience, we will collect the SMS verification code from your mobile phone and use it as auto-fill.

Location Information: We use location services to provide you with a more precise service experience. Your location information will be used in the following situations

Background Usage: When the application is closed, we may use your location information in the background to provide you with relevant local service recommendations.

Application Closed: Even when the application is closed, we may use your location information when necessary to ensure you receive timely notifications about order status and delivery progress.

Always in Use: If you choose to allow the continuous use of location information, we will use your location information both when the application is open and closed to provide you with a more comprehensive service.

When the Application Is Not in Use: Even when the application is not in use, we may use your location information when necessary to ensure the normal progress of your orders.

Functions Using Background Location

Your location information will be used for the following functions

Rider Location: To allow you to track your delivery orders in real-time, we will use your location information to obtain the real-time location of riders and display the delivery progress to you.

Information Protection and Sharing

We promise not to provide your personal information to any unauthorized third parties. When necessary, we may share necessary information with partners to provide you with a better service experience. We will take reasonable security measures to protect the security of your personal information.

Privacy Management and Updates

You can access and modify your personal information and manage your privacy settings at any time. If you have any questions or concerns about the information we collect or wish to revoke the use of certain information, please contact us through our customer service channels.

Privacy Policy Updates

We may periodically update our privacy policy to reflect changes in our services and legal regulations. The updated privacy policy will be published in our application, and we recommend checking it regularly for the latest information. Thank you for trusting and choosing to use MiCa Life’s services. If you have any questions or need further clarification about this privacy policy, please feel free to contact us.


1. **服务条款的接受**
1.1 通过下载、安装、使用米卡外卖APP,即表示您同意遵守本协议以及可能随时更新的各类规则和政策。
1.2 若您不同意本协议的任何条款,请停止使用本应用。

2. **账户与注册**
2.1 您须对自己在本应用中的行为承担责任,需确保注册时提供的信息真实、准确、完整,且保证及时更新。
2.2 若您提供的信息不真实、不准确或不完整,我们有权暂停或终止您的账户,并拒绝您使用本应用的部分或全部功能。

3. **服务内容与责任**
3.1 米卡外卖APP为用户提供外卖订购、配送服务等功能,但不对外卖品质、配送准时等问题承担责任。
3.2 用户在使用本应用时应遵守相关法律法规,不得利用本应用从事违法犯罪活动。
3.3 本应用不对用户因不可抗力或第三方原因造成的损失承担责任。

4. **用户权利与义务**
4.1 用户有权享受本应用提供的服务,并有权提出意见和建议。
4.2 用户不得利用本应用从事违法犯罪活动,不得干扰本应用的正常运行。
4.3 用户不得利用本应用从事任何违反社会公序良俗的行为。

5. **免责声明**
5.1 本应用不对用户在使用过程中产生的任何直接或间接损失承担责任。
5.2 用户应自行承担使用本应用的风险。


1. **信息收集与使用**
1.1 我们将收集用户的设备信息、位置信息、账户信息等个人信息,用于提供服务、改善用户体验等目的。
1.2 我们将严格保护用户个人信息的安全性,并采取各种必要措施保障用户信息的安全。
1.3 用户的个人信息仅用于本应用的正常运营,不会用于其他商业目的。

2. **信息共享与披露**
2.1 除非获得用户授权或法律法规另有规定,否则我们不会将用户个人信息提供给第三方。
2.2 在法律法规规定的情况下,我们可能会根据相关要求披露用户个人信息。

第三方 SDK 名称 所属公司 信息获取 使用目的 隐私协议链接或 sdk url
腾讯播放器 腾讯云计算(北京)有限责任公司 系统语言,网络类型,ANDROID_ID,IP 地址,相册 视频播放 https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/301/11470
bugly 腾讯云计算(北京)有限责任公司 系统唯一标识符,SIM 卡序列号,ANDROID_ID 收集崩溃信息 https://www.qq.com/contract.shtml
腾讯云即时通信 IM SDK 腾讯云计算(北京)有限责任公司 用户标识信息、网络类型、系统语言类型、网络连接状态、设备型号、系统版本 即时通讯 https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/58094
Alipay SDK 支付宝(中国)网络技术有限公司 系统语言,系统唯一标识符,外部存储状态,网络类型,设备型号,设备制造商,SIM 卡序列号,IMEI,MAC 地址,ANDROID_ID,IP 地址,WiFi 信息,应用安装列表,OpenUDID 支付宝支付 https://render.alipay.com/p/c/k2cx0tg8
wechat SDK 深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司 系统语言,系统唯一标识符,外部存储状态,网络类型,设备型号,设备制造商,SIM 卡序列号,IMEI,MAC 地址,ANDROID_ID,IP 地址,WiFi 信息,应用安装列表,OpenUDID 微信支付 https://pay.weixin.qq.com/index.php/public/apply_sign/protocol_v2
MobSDK 上海游昆信息技术有限公司 应用基本信息、应用内设备标识符、设备的硬件信息、系统基本信息和系统设置信息 登录、分享 https://www.mob.com/about/policy?fileGuid=5xkGMn99P9c5lP3X
华为 HMS SDK 华为软件技术有限公司 应用基本信息、应用内设备标识符、设备的硬件信息、系统基本信息和系统设置信息 登录 https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/HMSCore-Guides/sdk-data-security-0000001050042177
Here SDK HERE Global B.V. 定位与位置数据、网络连接状态、WiFi 信息、外部存储状态 定位、地图 https://legal.here.com/cn-zh/privacy
google auth SDK Google Inc. 唯一标识符、设备类型和设置、操作系统、移动网络信息(包括运营商名称和电话号码)以及应用版本号 登录 https://www.google.cn/intl/zh-CN/policies/privacy/archive/20170301/